The Flicka Foundation to Help Donkeys in India
It has long been our desire to help more for animals in any corner of the world, although we are very stretched here, physically and financially, we could not miss the opportunity to give our assistance to the brick kiln donkeys outside Dehli in rural Gurgaon. Although it will be harrowing, to be able to help with advice, veterinary care and where necessary get donkeys into a sanctuary will be very rewarding. The Asswin Project, currently operating in Gurgaon were delighted to have our offer of help, it is run by Bob & Jean Harrison from the UK, who were so distressed at seeing the plight of the donkeys and other animals including horses and dogs, they decided to stay and set up a clinic and sanctuary.
So folks, it is Laurie Stephenson who is flying out with our good friend, Alison Beck, at the end of October. We must point out that this trip has been funded personally and with the help of good friends and family. We are taking veterinary items and any donations specifically for the project, every penny will go to the animals at the Asswin Project. Please contact us if you would like to make a contribution.
So folks, it is Laurie Stephenson who is flying out with our good friend, Alison Beck, at the end of October. We must point out that this trip has been funded personally and with the help of good friends and family. We are taking veterinary items and any donations specifically for the project, every penny will go to the animals at the Asswin Project. Please contact us if you would like to make a contribution.
Judy has also been liaising with Wildlife SOS in India a truly amazing and inspirational organisation who rescue and care for many of India’s animals. The organisation started with India’s Dancing Bears (Leo pictured, was former dancing bear now rescued), a barbaric practice which is now illegal thanks to Wildlife SOS. Some of you may have read in the press a great deal about Raju, (pictured below on the left with his new family) a 50 year old elephant they have just saved from a life of misery, street begging for his ‘owner’ in spiked chains, beaten and starved every day. Raju is now living life as an elephant should, with others like him at one of their sanctuaries. Ali and Laurie have been invited to meet up with Geeta Seshamani the co-founder of the charity and have a tour of the sanctuaries, including a couple of days with the mobile clinic for working equines in rural India, they also have a sanctuary with over 100 horses and donkeys. A trip that will be very emotional, but we hope we can help in some small way.
Please, if you would like to donate to this as individuals, groups or businesses, do get in touch, we guarantee that every single penny donated will go straight to the animals that need care.
We will be putting together a special newsletter and day to day blog about this trip and will of course include all donators.
So keep watching this page, there will be regular updates from the end of October...........
We will be putting together a special newsletter and day to day blog about this trip and will of course include all donators.
So keep watching this page, there will be regular updates from the end of October...........